Real stories of birth and the life that follows.
I am awe-struck by the beauty and intense power that is unique to women in their ability to grow life and bring it forth.
I am humbled to witness the moment a family sees their new baby for the first time. To see them take their first breaths, cry their first cry, and settle sweetly on their mother's chest. You can never get those moments back, a once in a lifetime event with no opportunity for retakes.
The journey into parenthood is incredibly profound, whether for the first time, or the fifth. Every birth story is so beautiful and unique. I approach birth photography as authentically as possible, embracing the primal nature of the mother and every aspect of the process. Of course I love to capture the elation of a mother holding her child for the first time, but it's the other moments that pull me in the most. The tender, quiet connection of mother and father. The exhaustion. The tension of transition. The emotional vulnerability of the moment she says she can't do this... and the intimidating and awe-inspiring power of a woman when she does. Birth is more than just joyful—it's inexplicably hard and messy, and it's all of worthy of remembering. You should birth on your own terms, and I will document that as honestly as possible.
I am deeply honored and grateful to my dear friend pictured here, who trusted me to to be present to capture her beautiful birth story.
I would be honored to do so for you as well. Please contact me for inquiries